Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Erik's first day of school, he was so excited.

Look what a big boy I am

Now that I (Kami) have taken over the blog, hopefully I can update it more often.
Here are some updated picture of Karson. He is getting so big, he weighs 18.4 pounds now (I know he is huge). He can pretty much sit up on his own and he rolls around every where. It is amazing how time goes by so fast, before we know it he will be crawling all over the place.

Prince and Princess

I caught Missy and Erik playing dress up and I had to share. So funny!!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Here are a couple of pictures of the Kids at the cabin. It has been so nice up there. Temps in the 70's and jacket weather at night.


Here are some pictures of Karson. He is getting so big. At his last doctor visit (over 2 weeks ago) he weighed over 17lbs. We have taken him swimming and he loves the water. He also loves licorice. We introduced him to apple sauce and once again, if it has anything to do with eating, he loves it!

What a Summer!!!!

It has been a crazy summer. Gregg has had to travel for work, Weekends at the cabin, a few days in Las Vegas, and lots of days at the pool. Erik is 3 weeks away from starting pre-school, and Missy is two weeks away from 1st Grade. Karson has rolled over twice. Here are some pictures of the summer.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Karson and Kami took advantage of a few quiet moments and took a nap on the hammock. We put up a gazeebo and attached a misting system. It makes it nice and cool!

Shaping up!

Here is our grass. If you compare it to the earlier posts, this is the area with the busted fence and where Soda used to live. We put it in on the 11th of May and so far it is doing pretty good. There are only a couple of dry spots. The trees are doing real well too. I am hoping that I will have the back yard complete by Memorial Weekend (except for the fences).

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Karson is getting big!

Karson is now over 10lbs. He eats non-stop. Here are a few pictures of him.

One Month Later......

Well a lot has happened in the yard this month. Soda has a Kennel now (she isn't all that impressed). We created some planters with castle wall along the back fence. The edging for the grass area is complete and there are trees in the back yard. The sprinkling system is complete and ready! Things are starting to take shape pretty fast now.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yard Update

We had a guy with a bobcat come over and blade the backyard. Last year I spent 2 weekends with a tiller and only got about a quarter of the backyard done. He did it in 1 hour and 15 minutes. The biggest part is done, and now we are going to be working on getting it ready for grass and wood chips.

Monday, March 26, 2007


March 25th, 2007 was Karson's first church experience. He did great. Not a peep through the entire session. It took forever to find an outfit that would fit him for church.

Updated photos

Here are some updated photos of Karson. He is such a good baby.

Bath time

Here are some pictures of Karson in the tub. Notice that his cord fell off and he has an outee. Karson is not a fan of bath time at all.

Monday, March 19, 2007

From crap yard to.......

We are starting our backyard. Some of you may have seen this. Here are some before pictures, and I will send pictures as it progresses. We are planning to put grass on the side of the house where Soda lives now. She will then get moved to the opposite side where she will have a dog run complete with a swamp cooler! The middle of the yard will be a play area for the kids. Hopefully we can have it done so we can enjoy grillin' in the summertime.

Karson Chillin'

Here are some pictures of Karson just chillin'. What a life! He is a sleeper, and doesn't fuss much. At his last appointment he weighed 5lbs. 8oz. His appetite has picked up quite a bit in the last 6 days though. He also got the joy of sitting under the billi-lights for 24 hours. His billi count was at 21!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Just started

We got a great idea from Matthew and Jessie to start a blog. This way y'all can keep up with us at your own pace. Big story is the birth of Karson. He weighed 6lbs. 2oz. and was 19.5 inches long. He actually came 4 weeks early. On Tuesday the 6th of March Kami had been feeling some pretty strong contractions. We decided that night to go to the hospital just to check things out. They determined that she was in early labor and that Karson would come any day. During the doctor visit the next day they ran some tests and found that amniotic fluid. At that point Dr. Chamberlain was concerned about infection and decided to induce. That night at approximately 9 o'clock Karson was born. Kami was a trooper and did it Natural. We spent 2 nights in the hospital to make sure everything was alright and then came home on Friday. Missy and Erik were able to spend the weekend with Karson.