Monday, July 30, 2007

Here are a couple of pictures of the Kids at the cabin. It has been so nice up there. Temps in the 70's and jacket weather at night.


Here are some pictures of Karson. He is getting so big. At his last doctor visit (over 2 weeks ago) he weighed over 17lbs. We have taken him swimming and he loves the water. He also loves licorice. We introduced him to apple sauce and once again, if it has anything to do with eating, he loves it!

What a Summer!!!!

It has been a crazy summer. Gregg has had to travel for work, Weekends at the cabin, a few days in Las Vegas, and lots of days at the pool. Erik is 3 weeks away from starting pre-school, and Missy is two weeks away from 1st Grade. Karson has rolled over twice. Here are some pictures of the summer.